
Manufacturing sector works with Reels in Motion across all of our services as video is key to their organisations.  Long gone are the days of a stand alone promotional film for this sector.

Digital and Tech

Digital and Tech sector understand the power of Video Marketing and the advantages it has over traditional marketing approaches in this sector. Our clients have services and products that translate really well to video.


Reels has a vast experience within the Educational and Further Educational Sector when it comes to using video as part of a marketing strategy.  We have seen over the years video the evolvement of the ‘Video Prospectus’ to now video be a key part of attracting students.

Live Training

“Don’t leave money on the stage” this is how Reels in Motion feels about Training Providers who do not record their Live training and then monetarize that training through a variety of way in which Reels in Motion already helps many of our clients.


Reels in Motion started life in Staffordshire in 2004 providing Video Production services to companies in Staffordshire.  We have grown over the years to work nationally and internationally but our main studio still remaining in Staffordshire 

We have over 20 years working in many Sectors, we take that experience to every project so do not worry if you do not see your particular sector, still get in touch to see how we can help you.

Your vision. Our Creation

Promotional Film
Promotional Film
Product Videos
Promotional Film

Frequently Asked

Question number one?

Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit.