
Reels has a vast experience within the Educational and Further Educational Sector when it comes to using video as part of a marketing strategy.  We have seen over the years video the evolvement of the ‘Video Prospectus’ to now video be a key part of attracting students, improving the student experience and a comms tool for parents and guardians.  Once a ‘nice to have’ video is now a must to help recruitment of both students and staff as well as the retention and positioning of the school, college or University.  

Reels in Motion prides itself on having the experience to support and lead on a video project.  Our knowledge gives us the ability to ensure that our clients objectives and vision for their project is met and also how to maximise the content collected and possible repurposing content.  However the team is also happy to work with a brief where the client has used video marketing previously or has engaged an agency to deliver a wider marketing strategy and video is one element of that. 

Please book one of our no obligation Video consolation sessions or get in touch with Reels in Motion to discuss a project you have or to request our Educational Video Brochure that will further details how we work and how we can support you. 

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