
Manufacturing sector works with Reels in Motion across all of our services as video is key to their organisations.  Long gone are the days of a stand alone promotional film for this sector.  While a Promotional Video is still a key marketing asset it is one of many ways this sector benefits from our video services.  

Along with a company Promotional film which can be use on the company website, social media or waiting areas of the companies offices we also produce the following for our clients in this sector.  Product videos are key, whether its to demonstrate and train their customers on the products they manufacture or to raise profile and sales Reels in Motion have a vast amount of Product video experience. 

Training and Health and safety videos for internal purposes are very popular and we have worked with Michelin and JCB for many years in this area.  Explainer and induction videos for new staff and stakeholders.  Live event coverage of product launches, AGM meeting and conferences is another marketing tool that we support on.  Site tour videos to showcase the quality of production that can go unseen by the customer as well as a large variety of additional internal communication films from CEO messages to the company to end of year celebrations and highlight of company success stories.   

Get in touch with Reels in Motion to work directly with us, introduce us to your agency or invite us to tender for the company suppliers framework.  We come with 20 years of working with major brands and support 100’s of video project.  

Please book our no obligation Video consolation sessions or get in touch with Reels in Motion to discuss a project you have or to request our Manufacturing Video Brochure that will further details how we work and how we can support you.


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Promotional Film

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